Monday, March 12, 2012

10 Tips For Raising Your Search Engine Rankings

Search engine rankings are an important factor to consider when you have a website that needs more traffic. If your website doesn't have a good position in the rankings then no-one will find it, so you need to make sure that your website is ranked highly enough to be seen. The other important quality to getting high traffic to your site is having a nice arsenal of links. The more links that you have to your site the more traffic you will get, but also, the more links to your site the more search engines like your site. Keeping a nice supply of links pointing at your site requires similar precautions and practices as getting high search engine listings.

Although no SEO company can guarantee a high ranking for your site, here are some tips for raising your search engine ranking. Using these tips will not get you to the top unless your site is the best out there, but they will at least put you into the positioning that you truly deserve. After all, the internet is basically a free market. You will naturally flow into the place that you deserve and many search engines try to insure that you do not rise above or fall below this position. This is why they are so strict, and this is why you must keep yourself on good terms with them.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Solution To Finding Your Lost Files - Data Recovery Companies

When the worst happens to your computer and all your files disappear, never worry! There are a number of quality data recovery companies that are able to restore your critical files quickly and easily.

Instead of tearing out your hair over a stubborn computer that is holding that essential file hostage, let the worries slide away and send off your hard drive to a data recovery company. These companies work their magic and recover files of all sizes in a remarkably quick turn around time. This service is essential for any individual or business that has fallen onto hard times with their computer.

Most data recovery companies operate over the internet and occupy cyberspace as they would a store front. If you find yourself in need of a quality company to find your files, look no further than the World Wide Web.

A simple search of search engines will produce hundreds of quality companies eager to solve your every problem. Before you send off your hard drive, carefully evaluate the chosen company to ensure it is legitimate and reputable. Using an incorrect company may result in further headaches and a loss of money for services not rendered.

Upon your search for a data recovery company, investigate their capabilities and services. Choosing a company that will best serve your needs will ensure the greater success in the end. You may need to compare services versus charges for these data recovery companies.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cara Memasang Backlink ke Web Directory dengan Submit SemiAuto

Assalamu'alaikum sobat mwber semuanya...
Alhamdulillah semoga sehat semuanya. Kali ini ane akan berbagi tips lagi ya.. Mungkin bermanfaat buat sobat mwber semuanya dan ane akan membahas tentang cara memasang backlink dengan semi auto dimana kita akan memanfaatkan salah satu web directory yaitu, nah dengan memanfaatkan web directory ini sobat bisa mengirim backlink dan dapat memasangnya hingga 2000 backlink we... Mantap bukan!, tapi tunggu dulu sebelum kamu bisa memanfaatkan layanan ini, sobat harus melakukan registrasi terlebih dahulu, nah cara pendaftarannya yuk ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini, tapi ane nggak kasih screen shotnya sobat dan mudah-mudahan kamu bisa memahaminya.
1. Masuk ke halaman
2. Klik Join One Way Backlink disudut kiri halaman web untuk melakukan registrasi.
3. Pilih Kategori dari Web Directory yang akan kamu kirim Backlink nantinya, sobat harus menyesuaikan dengan kategori blog kamu masing-masing, jika sudah klik Go.

Why Pay When You Can Get Free Anti Virus?

I'm sure you have heard this from a friend before, even some of your computer literate friends; but what I want to warn you of is that this is a dangerous question to be asking. You for sure know about viruses and that anyone today is vulnerable to them if they haven't taken appropriate efforts to protect themselves, but other than that (if you are like most people you don't really know what is out there (lots more than just viruses) and how to really protect yourself properly. In the next few paragraphs I want to tell you some critical information to save you lots of time and money and tears.

So viruses are, just like their biological counterpart, parasites in that they use a host to exist and more importantly to replicate. A virus is made up of computer code that is written in such a way as to insert itself into existing code of (most often) an executable file that already exists on the host computer. It uses the internet mostly to travel but can and has been transferred by removable forms of media like floppy disks, smart cards, etc. Like viruses, worms use the computer as a host, but only in order to use the hardware, as they do not need the host computers software to replicate. Trojan Horses are another example of malicious software or malware that use techniques that evade the natural and built up defenses on a computer. The point is that there is more than just viruses that you need protection from and not all anti virus software (especially free anti virus software) provide the comprehensive coverage that you need

Cisco CCNP - BSCI Exam Tutorial: Configuring And Troubleshooting OSPF Virtual Links

Knowing when and how to create an OSPF virtual link is an essential skill for BSCI and CCNP exam success, not to mention how important it can be on your job! As a CCNA and CCNP candidate, you know the theory of virtual links, so let's take a look at how to configure a virtual link, as well as some real-world tips that many CCNA and CCNP study guides leave out!

In this configuration, no router with an interface in Area 4 has a physical interface in Area 0. This means a logical connection to Area 0, a virtual link, must be built.

In the following example, R1 and R3 are adjacent and both have interfaces in Area 0. R4 has an adjacency with R3 via Area 34, but R4 has no physical interface in Area 0 and is advertising its loopback into OSPF. R1 doesn't have the route to that loopback.

Central Nic Domains (CND)

Now is the time for Webmasters to get in on Central nic domain names! That's right-thanks to the availability of central nic domain names, all webmasters can get a chance to get the domain name they desire by registering for a domain name with any registrar that handles central nic names. Think about it; registering for a central nic domain name has so many advantages. Let's take a look at the many benefits of registration below:

1.Central nic is a domain registry offering alternative to the TLD and Country level domains. If you missed out on your chance to get the domain name you desired, now you are offered a second chance to get in on the action. Get the domain name you want with a .com extension!

2.,,, and more are all available from domain registrars. Thus, if you missed out on your opportunity to get a .uk, .gb, or a .eu domain name, you will get a second chance to get the domain name you desire when you register for a central nic domain.

3.If you are set on a name that has been taken by another Webmaster, a Central nic name can be a good alternative. With a Central nic domain name you can still get the domain name you want with the added commercial extension. Don't settle for a second choice domain name-get your central nic domain name precisely the way you want your domain name to be.

How to get your customers to trust your website

Research reveals three important facts:

1) The Internet is one of the most important sources of information.

2) The trustworthiness of the Internet is declining.

3) Customers will come back to your site if they trust it.

In the face of a declining trust in the Internet, there's definitely value in creating a website which can be trusted by your visitors. But how do you do it? That's what this article is all about.

But first, the research…

According to a recent major study, "Ten Years, Ten Trends", conducted by the Center for the Digital Future (, a leading authority on the impact of the Internet, the Internet is still seen as one of the most important sources of information, but people are placing less faith in the reliability of that information.

These findings are supported by earlier research. American Express found that 73% of people use the Internet to gather information, and Lyra Research found that 48% of people use the Internet to find work-related information as opposed to 7% who use magazines. When it comes to reliability of information, A.T. Kearney found that workers take so long trying to find information that it costs organisations $750 billion annually!

SIW ( System Information for Windows) - Everything you want to know about your computer

SIW (System Information for Windows) performs computer configuration analysis and diagnostics.
SIW can create a report file (CSV, HTML, TXT or XML), and is able to run in batch mode (for Asset Management, PC Audit, Software Inventory and Hardware Inventory, Software license compliance).
SIW gives detailed information about your computer properties and settings, detailed specs for:

* Software: Operating System, Installed Software and Hotfixes, Processes, Services, Users, Open Files, System Uptime, Installed Codecs, Licenses.
* Hardware: Motherboard, Sensors, BIOS, CPU, chipset, PCI/AGP, USB and ISA/PnP Devices, Memory, Video Card, Monitor, Disk Drives, CD/DVD Devices, SCSI Devices, S.M.A.R.T., Ports, Printers.
* Network: Network Cards, Network Shares, currently active Network Connections, Open Ports.
* Tools: Password Recovery, Reveal lost passwords hidden behind asterisks, Product Keys and Serial Numbers (CD Key), MAC Address Changer, Shutdown / Restart.
* Real-time monitors: CPU, Memory, Page File usage and Network Traffic.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vectorlock Shapelife ArcGIS Extension for Secure Shapefile Data

EMAP International and the Government released VectorLock Par, the first security system for geospatial data, especially shapefile. VectorLock is the extension for ArcGIS 9.3 or 10, which allows you or your company to protect and control access to geospatial data from around the use of data both internally and externally when sharing data. VectorLock ensure the highest possible level of security. Shapefile data are secured and distributed to users through a proprietary encrypted format that looks like a regular shapefile data when added to the ArcGIS. You have the authority to set the time how long the shapefile data can be accessed by clients or partners. If you set time is exceeded, an automatic data can not be accessed again by clients or partners.
VektorLock available in three versions, Standard (free), Advanced (free) and Admin. Version of the standard used to call and display VectorLock files, including changing the symbology. Dementara for Advanced versions, in addition to having all abilities standard version, this version is available Editor toolbar. For the Admin version, there is full functionality to make VectorLock VectorLock files and unlock files.

More info on VectorLock
at this link.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CCNP Certification : Server Load Balancing

When you're working on your BCMSN exam on your way to CCNP certification, you'll read at length about how Cisco routers and multilayer switches can work to provide router redundancy - but there's another helpful service, Server Load Balancing, that does the same for servers. While HSRP, VRRP, and CLBP all represent multiple physical routers to hosts as a single virtual router, SLB represents multiple physical servers to hosts as a single virtual server.

In the following example, three physical servers have been placed into the SRB group ServFarm. They're represented to the hosts as the virtual server

The hosts will seek to communicate with the server at, not knowing that they're actually communicating with the routers in ServFarm. This allows quick cutover if one of the physical servers goes down, and also serves to hide the actual IP addresses of the servers in ServFarm.

The basic operations of SLB involves creating the server farm, followed by creating the virtual server. We'll first add to the server farm:

MLS(config)# ip slb serverfarm ServFarm

MLS(config-slb-sfarm)# real

MLS(config-slb-real)# inservice

Career Planning

Whether you are about to graduate from college, or want to change jobs at a later point in life, career planning is a very important aspect of the process.  Before you actually start applying for positions, it is essential to be certain of the areas you would like to work in.  The worst thing that could happen is not to take any steps in the career planning process, and end up in a job that you are unhappy with, or do not have the proper skill set for.
Career quizzes are often helpful in the career planning process.  These are often a great first step when trying to determine what type of jobs you'd be best suited for.  Many are available online, and address some of the following areas:  identifying your skills and abilities; determining if you prefer working with people, data or things; or summarizing what workplace values are most important to you.  By compiling all of this information, you'll usually get a general idea of what fields you should be seriously checking out.  The quizzes often list suitable occupations based on your answers.

One avenue that would be best to explore is signing up for career counseling.  There are many free services, mainly ones offered by the government, or at post-secondary institutions, that will get you started on your career planning journey.  Career counselors are trained professionals that will be able to offer you advice and make realistic recommendations on what area you would be best suited to work in.  They will look over your academic training, and often administer aptitude tests to see what careers you should be exploring.

Cara menginstall Windows 7 melalui USB Flashdisk

install-windows-7-from-usbSelama ini saya telah mencoba mencari informasi bagaimana caranya menginstall Windows Xp melalui Flashdisk, dan akhirnya berhasil juga, walaupun prosesnya berjalan agak lambat dan kupikir ngga bakalan juga nih bisa menginstall lewat USB flashdisk, baru2 ini telah banyak artikel yang membahas tentang cara2 menginstall windows melalui USB flashdisk, dan saya pikir gak ada salahnya mencoba trik yang lain, siapa tau ada peningkatan dalam hal kecepatan penginstallannya.
Menginstall Windows melalui USB flashdisk ini ternyata banyak keuntungannya dibanding melalui CD atau DVD disk, Kita tidak perlu khawatir akan CD atau DVD yang ngga kebaca sama CD/DVD-ROM, CD atau DVD yang tergores, kadang menyulitkan dalam proses penginstallan windows, sedangkan melalui Flashdisk itu sendiri, hal yang demikian ngga lah perlu terjadi lagi.
Saya akan menunjukkan 2 cara ( secara manual dan otomatis ) menginstall windows 7 melalui USB FlashDisk
Sebelum kita mulai, perlu disiapkan adalah: Sekurangnya 1buah Flashdisk dengan kapasitan 4Gb ato lebih, soalnya Windows 7 setidaknya mengambil tempat sebesar 3Gb.

Monday, February 27, 2012

TV online Portable

TV Online Portable Mivo TV online portable maksudnya adalah semacam aplikasi yag bisa digunakan menonton TV online dimana saja asalkan ada koneksi internet. File dalam format HTML TV online portable bisa Anda simpan di flashdisk atau dimana saja deh asalkan gak disimpan di lemari es.
TV Online portable sederhana bikinan Warung Bebas ini dibuat untuk menggantikan aplikasi yang selama ini berbasis server seperti di TV Online ini, dan karena seringkali aksesnya besar sekali sampai server kolaps, maka dengan aplikasi TV Online Portable ini diharapkan TV online yang di web tidak terganggu saat load sangat tinggi.
Bagaimana cara penggunaannya?
Sangat sederhana, pertama silahkan Anda download file aplikasi (Zip) dibawah ini, dan setelah selesai, silahkan diextract.

Cara Buat Read More Otomatis dan Manual di Blogger

Cara Buat Read More di Blogger

Read More Blogger

Cara Membuat Read More di Blogger Blogspot secara manual dan otomatis. Memberi Read More atau Baca Selengkapnya pada artikel posting di blog kita itu perlu terutama kalau artikel kita cukup panjang, lebih dari 2 paragraf. Read More di Blogger Blogspot disebut juga dengan Jump Break, Baca Selengkapnya atau Baca Selanjutnya.


1. Agar halaman utama tampak rapi dan tidak terlalu panjang.
2. Waktu loading (waktu pengunjung membuka blog) juga lebih singkat. Ini bisa menambah SEO.
4. Agar pembaca blog kita betah berlama-lama di situs kita. Minimal mereka dua halaman blog kita yaitu halaman utama dan halaman setelah "Read More".
5. Sebagai teaser (penggoda) supaya pembaca lebih penasaran.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cara Membuat Vektor Grid di ArcGIS

Saya akan tunjukkan cara membuat vektor grid di ArcGIS. Untuk proses ini dibutuhkan extension Hawth’s Analysis Tools yang bisa di download gratis di KLIK HERE

Setelah mendownload dan menginstall extension Hawth’s Analysis Tools for ArcGIS, Anda bisa mengaktifkan extension tersebut melalui menu View –> Toolbar –> Hawth’s Tools. Untuk membuat vector grid, dari dropdown menu Hawth’s Tools pilih Sampling Tools –> Create Vector Grid (line/polygon), seperti di tunjukkan pada gambar dibawah ini. Sebaiknya unit proyeksi yang digunakan adalah UTM.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Download Aplikasi dan Modul QuantumGIS untuk Pengolahan Spasial

Semakin berkembangnya aplikasi pemetaan untuk berbagai disiplin ilmu membuat developer software-software pemetaan semakin berlomba untuk mengembangkan kemampuan software-nya. Software-software pemetaan yang banyak digunakan saat ini (ArcGIS, ArcView, MapInfo, AutoCAD Map, dll) merupakan software yang dinamis, dalam arti kata selalu dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan para pengguna dalam pengaplikasian software tersebut. Kebutuhan dalam penggunaan software pemetaan, merupakan cermin dari aplikasi keilmuan dalam menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan yang muncul dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berbagai software pemetaan sangat berguna sebagai alat bantu (tool) dalam problem solving yang muncul pada berbagai penelitian maupun pengambilan keputusan demi kepentingan-kepentingan tertentu. Buku, modul maupun tutorial yang membantu dalam memahami penggunaan software pemetaan pun dapat diperoleh dengan mudah.